Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What?! A new dining room table?! Woohoo!

I finally convinced Lowell that we needed to buy a new dining room table as a wedding present to ourselves. I have been dying to buy some new furniture for about 2 years. But, with me being in graduate school (and broke as a joke), buying a house, and now in the midst of helping to pay for our wedding, it just hasn't been in the cards! Our old table was your typical Ikea hunk-of-particle-board-junk. It could barely seat 4 people and was so flimsy, I felt like I was 4 years old again playing tea party at my mini table and chairs. 

Well, say good bye Ikea table! I'm putting you up on Craigslist for some extra cash! Someone else will have to suffer with you! 

Having champagne taste on a beer budget, I'd been looking at Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel and found some tables that I just loved. (How can you not be drawn in by those glossy catalogues with perfect rooms?) But, I knew the accounting department at my residence (a.k.a Lowell) would not approve a purchase with a bigger price tag (He's a financial planner, he can't help it, ya know?) so we found a perfect solution at Cost Plus World Market

I was a little nervous we would get another flimsy fake-wood table, but this thing is solid! To top it off, it goes perfectly with our shelves next to the TV! I'm so happy about this table, I even completed a review online raving about it. I know, a bit of a nerdy move, but if people out there are considering buying a table from Cost Plus World Market, I encourage them to do it!

Lowell put it together like a champ! (See? He's happy we got it!)

Of course, I helped by opening the boxes and kindly laying out all the parts...

The final product! 

It has a leaf in it so we are able to make the table smaller if we need the room. Surprisingly, the table fits in our small dining area with the leaf extension. I may just have to go back and get the 2 extra chairs I didn't think would fit... However, I had to make an agreement with Lowell when we bough this that I would not look at buying any more new furniture for at least 10 months! Shoot! :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a great table. I love the dark color. Congrats on the new table. I love getting new furniture! It definitly comes far and few in between though :o)
